Vivek Desai

Vivek Desai (Teacher and Events Coordinator)

Vivek grew up in a family of Baba Muktananda’s devotees. After receiving a PhD in molecular biology from Princeton University, he moved into Shanti Mandir ashram to pursue scriptural studies with Sanskrit education full time. He has been teaching nonduality for more than a past decade and is known for conveying the relevance and practical application of ancient scriptures in our modern lives.

Who Thinks? Who Breathes? Reflections on the Kena Upanishad

Youth Retreats:
To view upcoming Youth Retreats, click here.

To view upcoming workshops on Upanishads, click here.
To view upcoming workshops on Kashmir Shaivism, click here.
To view upcoming workshops on sacred stories, click here.
To find out about Vivek’s upcoming lectures/workshops in the local area (yoga centers, homes, colleges), call 845-778-1008.

Lecture Tours:
February 2018: Florida

Selected articles:
A Priceless Gift
Yoga in the Gita
The Unknowable! 
The Fish Avatar
Words Make My World
Yoga as Metaphysics
Guru: The Heart of Kashmir Shaivism



With great respect and love, a heartfelt welcome to everyone.

— Baba Muktananda